Code: Realize ~Guardian of Rebirth~ – Episode 1
Here it is, folks. I found it. A fun otome visual novel adaptation with smart pacing, a solid plot, strong aesthetics, and good boys. THE UNICORN.
Here it is, folks. I found it. A fun otome visual novel adaptation with smart pacing, a solid plot, strong aesthetics, and good boys. THE UNICORN.
The trick to the Obscure Sport genre is always in the passion with which the writing embraces its subject, and TWOCAR is on the right track in that regard.
C’mon. Just look at that header image. This show put sunglasses on a cat. It can’t be all bad.
I considered making this a one-sentence review: “Watch it and decide for yourself.” Which would, if you were wondering, be the exact opposite of the definition of “review.” It would be a non-review. But that’s my position right now. I am a non-reviewer of Recovery of an MMO Junkie.
The trouble with this premiere is that so very little happens in it. Not in the sense that “this is a mood piece and you’re meant to soak up the atmosphere” (although I think that might be what it’s aiming for), but in simple lack of coherence.
Curious newcomers might be excited to hear that Kino’s Journey – the Beautiful World – looks to be more remake than sequel.
King’s Game isn’t just a murder dwindling story like Royale—it wants to be the classic guro manga so hard it hurts, down to stealing the gimmick of X-ing out dead students’ faces on a class photo.
The little things are the best part of Just Because.
A uniformly bland singing show that would very much like your money and is about as raw and unvarnished as that time Justin Bieber put out a tour movie.
This premiere begins with a one-two punch of fanservice and “comical” assault, immediately souring me to a series I think I’d have otherwise found at worst harmless and at best kinda charming.
I’m sorry, Infiniti-T Force. I don’t get your 1970s superhero references.
This is one of the most frustrating sorts of premieres: the kind that’s a slog until the last five minutes or so, at which point a promising hook tries to tempt you back in spite of the 15 miserable minutes prior.
Have sympathy for those tasked with visual novel adaptations, dear readers. And if ever you find yourself in a position to write the premiere for such an adaptation, think back to the first half of Sengoku Night Blood—and do exactly the opposite of what they did.
Do you like guns? How about blood? How about murder poison and empowered bunny men in high heels? Then Grimdark Fruits Basket Royale is for you!
In trying to come up with a pithy way to introduce Black Clover, all I could think was “It sure is a shounen.” And yep. It sure is.
Otakon held a special screening of In This Corner of the World, followed by a post-screening Q&A panel with the two creators. The film had already drawn critical acclaim, so a good portion of the AniFem team attended both events, notepads and tissues at the ready.
Another season of premieres watched and reviewed! Now that we’ve gone through every premiere, it’s time to line ’em up next to each other and see how they compare.
It’s not without promise, but the whiff of cut corners and cobbled-together script elements is enough for me to cast a highly suspect eye on this one.
Now that we’ve knocked out the Summer 2017 premieres, it’s time to take a fond look back at our favorites from last season.
Given how hit or miss club shows can be, combined with the infamously toxic atmosphere that is actual gaming culture, the show had an uphill battle ahead of it. But skin my flesh and call me a newb if I didn’t walk away endeared.