Babylon – Episode 1
This might be the best premiere of the season: a tense, slow-burn legal drama that viciously punctuates its own simmering tension in the final moments.
This might be the best premiere of the season: a tense, slow-burn legal drama that viciously punctuates its own simmering tension in the final moments.
You know when you spend an entire first episode smiling and laughing out loud, you have a winner.
Do you like supernatural cop shows? Then congratulations! You’ll enjoy this entertaining and competently made premiere!
If you’re into male idol series, this is not offensively bad.
A shounen series seemingly aimed toward the same middle-grade sort of audience as Little Witch Academia, Iruma-kun feels perfect as a bit of fall sweetness.
Like cute girls? Like tabletop games? This is the anime for you!
It’s been a while since a premiere has so systematically robbed me of every gesture of optimism I tried to offer it.
The bait Azur Lane was putting out to attract a certain kind of viewer tuned me out of any meager charms it might’ve had to offer, long before it doubled down with carefully rendered shots of an eight-year-old’s wet shirt clinging to her skin.
You know, maybe it’s just me, but I think the protagonist of this series kinda likes books.
This premiere knows where the show’s most entertaining qualities lie and just how to bring them out.
When two of “Nice Guy” Joro’s closest friends suddenly ask to go on what is only describable as a date, you can’t help but know there’s going to be a train wreck at the end of it. And boy, is there.
Ahiru no Sora takes its cannon full of bright energy, points it downwards, and blasts itself straight in the foot by making 95% of its cast a bunch of unpleasant dirtbags.
This episode has one joke.
What a lovely, lovely, lovely first episode.
Try Knights, I don’t think you tried at all.
The dog days of summer have arrived. Good thing we’ve got a parade of anime to keep us entertained indoors.
A light season means a light recs list, but we still found a few goodies to share with our readers. Here are the team’s picks for the 2019 Spring season.
We’ve viewed, we’ve reviewed, and now we’re ready to digest! Let’s see how this hot batch of fresh new titles shaped up.
There will always be a place for episodic supernatural action series in anime, and BEM (mostly) has a solid aesthetic going for its main trio of monster-hunting monsters. Unfortunately, this episode spends most of its time with the least interesting of them.