Community Category
[Links] 1-7 August 2018: Banana Fish and BL, A Letter to Scanlators, and Discrimination in the LDP
This week: a breakdown of the much-cited interview where Yoshida claims Banana Fish isn’t BL, an open letter from Renta! to scanlators, and the entrenched discrimination of Japan’s Liberal Democratic Party.
[Links] 25-31 July 2018: Revue Starlight’s Visual Language, Ainu Ancestral Remains, and Homoeroticism in Metal Gear Solid
This week: visual language in Revue Starlight, Ainu citizens suing for the rights to their ancestors’ remains, and homoeroticism in Metal Gear Solid.
[Links] 18-24 July 2018: Parliamentary Homophobia, Child Welfare Laws, and Attack on Titan Analysis
This week: some very heavy topics including anti-disability bigotry and homophobia, child welfare laws, and a structural analysis of Attack on Titan.
[Links] 11-17 July 2018: Repeating the Atrocities of 1940s Internment Camps, Fandom’s Slavefic Problem, and Kase-san
This week: how internment camps for immigrants repeat the atrocities the US committed against Japanese-Americans during WWII, fandom’s problem with sexualizing slavery, and a Kase-san OVA review.
[Links] 4-10 July 2018: Premiere Catch-Up, Masculinity in Fate, and Helping the Industry
This week: all the premieres you may have missed, masculinity and cooking in Fate, and online attempts to find new ways to help the anime industry.
[Links] 27 June – 3 July 2018: Queer & Trans Manga, ANN Forum Revamp, and Premiere Reviews
This week: manga with queer and trans characters, Anime News Network revamps its forum rules, and the beginning of premiere season.
[Links] 20-26 June 2018: Banana Fish Romance, Fighting Fascism, and Stigma Against Single Mothers
This week: the main romance of Banana Fish, suggestions on how to oppose fascism, and the stigma against single mothers in Japan. And a kitten, because this has been a rough week.
[Links] 13-19 June 2018: Foreigner Fetishization, Anti-Blackness in Cosplay, and Male Love Live! Fans Behaving Badly
This week: the effects of white foreigner fetishization for Asian American students in Japan, anti-Blackness in the cosplay community, and bad behavior by male Love Live! fans in Japan.
[Links] 6-12 June 2018: Clear Card Postmortem, Tips for LGBTQ+ Moving to Japan, and Women in Animation Summit
This week: a postmortem of Clear Card’s shortcomings, a guide for LGBTQ+ folks looking to move to Japan, and a world summit for women in animation.
[Links] 30 May – 5 June 2018: #MahouShouJune, Queer Manga, and Japanese Literature by Women
This week: #MahouShouJune, queer manga recs, and influential female authors in Japanese literature. (Content warning for suicide, racism, and sexual harassment.)