While fans of SSSS.GRIDMAN will immediately recognize the director/writer duo’s signature style, this premiere is perfectly friendly (and perfectly gorgeous-looking) for newcomers to the Gridverse.
While fans of SSSS.GRIDMAN will immediately recognize the director/writer duo’s signature style, this premiere is perfectly friendly (and perfectly gorgeous-looking) for newcomers to the Gridverse.
What are your thoughts on alternate histories? Historical fantasies? How about umbrella crossbows, organ-playing snakemen, and mahou murder girls?
Over the years, the number of lady action heroes has slowly but significantly risen. And this is a good thing… for the most part. But the ability to enact violence shouldn’t be the only way we define our heroes, regardless of gender.
Wonder Egg is fabulism meets horror/suspense meets character drama. It is fantastical and grounded in equal turns, with a raw emotionality that pulls no punches but also doesn’t revel in suffering. It is surprising, tense, and stunning to look at, and I am beyond psyched to watch more of it.
The source material has a reputation for being (to put it bluntly) rape revenge fetish porn, but this premiere is mostly a standard dark fantasy with some glimmers of potential that it will almost certainly never fulfill.
First, let me tell you how much fun I had watching this bright, energetic premiere. Next, allow me to put on my Feminist Killjoy Hat and talk about its worrisome sexist streak.
The professional in me wants to talk about how this josei adaptation is a beautifully staged, pensive premiere that elegantly establishes its main characters, their relationships, and individual conflicts. The geek in me just wants me to holler about how unbelievably gay it is like y’all have no idea.
Poor casting decisions notwithstanding, there’s a lot to like about this imaginative, good-hearted edutainment series about endearing coworkers and buck-wild animal facts.
As a hodge-podge of familiar fantasy tropes, Hortensia Saga will need to distinguish itself with its characters and execution. Fortunately, it’s off to a hopeful start.
Princess Nine wants to be an empowering lady-led sports anime, but it can’t quite shake off the gendered expectations about what girls “really” want or who society thinks they’re “supposed” to be.
This first episode is such an eclectic mix of plot points and character beats that I suspect everyone is going to have a different reaction to it. My advice? Go watch it. At worst, it won’t make you angry, and at best, it may just charm the leotard off of you.
Akudama Drive comes in like a robot boxer: moving fast, swinging hard, and covered in LED lights.
Caught between insomnia and boredom, Princess Syalis takes on crafting projects to improve her life in little ways and help her pass each day. We’ve had some Peak 2020 anime this year in the form of post-apocalyptic hellscapes, but folks? Sleepy Princess might be the most relatable yet.
“Oh boy,” I thought as soon as the dark elf showed up and the townspeople all demanded that the knights kick him out of the city, “Fantasy Racism. What could possibly go wrong?”
Hypnosis Mic’s premiere exists in a world where women are either fascists, damsels, or fangirls, and I don’t see that changing anytime soon. It’s a good thing, then, that it’s also absolute nonsense.
Using its “magical school” premise, Witch Hat Atelier explores diversity among students and argues for the importance of accessibility throughout society, but especially in education. With supportive mentors and a focus on individual accommodation, anyone really can wield their own kind of magic.
Millionaire Detective seems to be banking on its audience wanting to screw Kambe more than they want to strangle him. Well, joke’s on them: I’m ace as hell.
My Next Life as a Villainess has a lot of points in its favor, but I’ll start with this one: Catarina is an absolute A-plus delight of a protagonist.
Okay, time to spend several hundred words talking to myself.
8th Son is not out here reinventing the isekai wheel, but the wheel it presents is pretty well-made and charming, all things considered.