Golden Kamuy Season 2 Debuts on 10/8/2018

By: Anime Herald August 30, 20180 Comments

Now, the only important question that remains is “how many amazing character faces will we get this season?”

Golden Kamuy Still

Earlier today, the official Golden Kamuy anime website updated with the premiere schedule for Golden Kamuy‘s second season. The series will air on the following networks (all times JST):

  • Tokyo MX: 10/8/2018 at 23:00 (10/8/2018 at 11:00PM)
  • BS11: 10/8/2018 at 25:00 (10/9/2018 at 1:00AM)
  • Yomiuri TV: 10/8/2018 at 25:59 (10/9/2018 at 1:59AM)
  • Sapporo TV: 10/8/2018 at 25:44 (10/9/2018 at 1:44AM)
  • Jidaigeki Senmon Channel: 10/8/2018 at 23:00 (10/8/2018 at 11:00PM)

Golden Kamuy Key VisualAnime! Anime! reports that Hitoshi Nanba (Fate/Grand Order: First Order, Gosick) will return to the director’s chair at Geno Studio, with Kenichi Ohnuki (Gundam Build Fighters, Samurai Gun) providing character designs. Noboru Takagi (Baccano!, Durarara!!) is back charge of series composition for the project.

Crunchyroll aired the first season of Golden Kamuy as part of their Spring 2018 simulcast lineup. They describe the show as:

The story takes place in the mighty Northern field of Hokkaido, the time is in the turbulent late Meiji Era.

A post war soldier Sugimoto, aka, “Immortal Sugimoto” —who survived the lethal Japan-Russo War—was in need of large sums of money for a particular purpose…

What awaited Sugimoto, who stepped into Hokkaido’s Gold Rush with dreams of making a fortune at a single stroke, was a tattoo map leading to a hidden treasure based on hints inscribed on the bodies of convicts in Abashiri Prison?!

The magnificent nature of Hokkaido vs vicious convicts and the meeting with a pure Ainu girl, Ashiripa!! A survival battle for a hidden treasure hunt begins!

Sources: Anime! Anime!, Otakomu

Golden Kamuy Season 2 Debuts on 10/8/2018Samantha Ferreira

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