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[Links] 1-7 March 2017
This week: Ghost in the Shell, gender-bending, Naoko Yamada, and more!
[Links] Cosplaying While Black
Earlier this week we invited you to showcase the contributions of black fans, and initial response was disheartening. It looks like our community just isn’t too aware of the work black fans and creators are doing in anime and manga fandom. To begin addressing that, let’s take a look at a 2013 post by Chaka, a.k.a. @princessology, […]
Strong Girls Doing Strong Things: Moe, femininity, and being your own hero
Because moe characters are courageous in their fear, I’m able to find inspiration in these girls who step out from hiding to stand victorious beside their friends or charge into battle for the sake of love.
[Links] 22-28 February 2017
In this week’s links: Evangelion, female AniTubers, Gabriel DropOut, and fandom diversity.
Chatty AF 2: Revolutionary Girl Utena Retrospective (WITH TRANSCRIPT)
In its 20th anniversary year, Caitlin, Dee and Vrai talk about a series they have all loved and analyzed for many years: the game-changing Revolutionary Girl Utena.
[Links] Revolutionary Girl Utena Round-Up
This Throwback Thursday we’re celebrating the 20th anniversary of iconic, seminal classic Revolutionary Girl Utena. There are hundreds of articles out there about Utena, so we’re showcasing those written by our own team to get the ball rolling.
“I Am Not a Doll”: Rei Ayanami, escapism, and objectified images of desire
Rei’s role as an object of straight male desire extends beyond examining Rei through the lens of feminist film theory to include Evangelion’s greater conversation with the psychological condition of the otaku audience.
[Links] 15-21 February 2017
It’s been a quiet week here at AniFem, except behind the scenes – thanks to your positive feedback to our trial podcast episode, we have recorded two new episodes already! Each one is on a show that made a big impact on anime fandom, in very different ways, and both will be coming to your […]
[Links] 8-14 February 2017
Happy Valentine’s Day to anyone celebrating! Anyone not celebrating (or not enjoying it), maybe this 2014 account of Frog-kun’s attempts to make Valentine’s chocolate like an anime girl will help. Worth a click for the photographic evidence alone.
[Links] 1-7 February 2017
We are now four months old, the winter season is well underway, and it is time we got back into the swing of things! To keep these posts regular they will be under new management effective immediately, so you can expect them every Tuesday without fail… starting next Tuesday. To give the new owner a clean slate […]
Chatty AF 1: Winter 2017 Midseason Check-In (WITH TRANSCRIPT)
We finally managed to co-ordinate across three timezones and record a podcast! This is very much a trial episode, and we need your feedback to know if/how we should continue.
Why Aren’t Problematic Translations Fixed?
Translators are human, and humans make mistakes. This post is not about translation errors. This is about the choice simulcasting companies currently make to leave problematic translations intact.
The Powerful Women of Trigun
Trigun is difficult to fit into a genre, so it’s fitting that the women in this singular series can’t be neatly categorized either.